...we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15)
Right now it's just me in the house but the point of this post (which is very late news) is to tell you that I closed on a
townhome, painted (with the help of my awesome friends and family) and move in (also with the help of awesome family). It doesn't feel real yet (maybe it will when I make the first
mortgage payment) but it does feel wonderful.
I do hope that instead of thinking of the house as mine and the stuff in it as mine I will ALWAYS think of it as a blessing from the Lord and it will be a place where I can glorify and serve the Lord. I do feel incredibly blessed. I plan to post some pictures here but until I get myself organized with that (before and after and such) I just wanted to share the news. Plus I don't even have a picture of the outside yet...I'll get that done this weekend.