Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pearly Whites

WARNING: This post has more information about my current dental issues than you probably ever wanted to know. But if you're one of those people who likes that kind of thing (you're weird), keep reading.

People tell me all the time how great my teeth are...but the truth is they are bad teeth. Okay, so they chew food fine (which is a blessing) but other than that, they are bad.

I had a dentist appointment this morning and I was in a rush because I slept longer than I should have, so when I got there (7 minutes late) I was quite frazzled. Starting the appointment that way likely contributed to my eventual tears (in my car, after the appointment).

My last dentist appointment included a periodontal cleaning and a fitting for a night mouth guard (which of course is not cheap and is not covered by my dental insurance). The periodontal cleaning was totally awful and I vowed, prayed and hoped I never would need it again. I started flossing every night, rinsing with Plax (the only mouth wash with fluoride and #1 dentist recommended) and wearing my mouth guard every night.

Based on my tooth care being better than I think it has ever been (including the year I wore braces and should have been taking good care of my teeth) I was pretty sure that today's appointment would be just fine...with the exception of my filling, it felt like part of it had fallen out. So I get in the chair and she starts poking my gums (which is apparently part of the periodontal cleaning and only covered by insurance at 80%). She tries to make them bleed and calls out numbers to another lady typing them in the computer. 112, 343, 242,332 and whatever. I have no idea whether a high or low number is good but then she highlights the fact that some are bleeding...duh you just pricked them with a really sharp metal tool, don't most people's bleed? I try to relax; she finishes the cleaning. She tells me that my gums look much better than they did last time, except for a few places. She tells me to keep up the good work. She acknowledges that 'yes, my filling has fallen out on both sides' and calls in the doctor.

I'm feeling okay...I knew there was something up with the filling. The doctor ever so slightly pushes her metal probe into the center of each tooth (how on earth can she tell that I have a cavity just by that) and calls out a few different things to my hygienist. I'm starting to get nervous and pretty sure I'm not going to like what she has to say.

I don't. She tells me that somehow both of my very back fillings have come out (or at least pieces of them) and that I also have two other teeth that are damaged. She has no idea how this happened because wearing the night guard was supposed to protect me from ruining my own teeth. I tell them 'I hate the dentist' (yes I really, truly said that) trying to sound like I'm joking but really trying to hold back my tears (it might be immature, but oh well) and try to smile while she tells me she needs me to come back and 'get those taken care of'.

I go to the desk to schedule 2 separate appointments for the fillings (they don't want to numb my whole mouth at the same time) and then find out that my insurance doesn't fully cover anything periodontal related...fabulous. I'm pretty sure the cleaning I had today is exactly like every other cleaning I have ever I don't know why they code it different and now I have a co-pay. They can tell, I'm frustrated and they try to make me feel better and make it sound like it's all the insurance's fault and I'm barely listening because all I want to do is leave BEFORE the tears come out. I pay my copay, schedule two appointments on back to back days, tell them it's all fine and quickly get to my car.

Sunglasses on...tears come. I felt so silly for crying but I can't understand why I have such bad teeth. I brush 2 times a day, floss once, rinse 1-2 times, avoid beverages that will stain and try my best not to open things with my teeth. I was so frustrated because I found myself not trusting that my dentist is really doing the right thing and thinking she is maybe just trying to get lots of money from me. I know I'm totally off my rocker but just typing the story again makes me want to cry some more.

All day I'm pouting over the state of my teeth and of course a co-worker tells me what great teeth I have. Figures.


Amanda said...

Carmen! I had the same thing. I've never had a cavity in my life, always been praised for my teeth -- I took good care of them (though I didn't floss regularly), but every dentist I've ever had had nothing but good things to say. Until this last one (my first visit to a new dentist), who said I had three cavities (or one cavitity and two "sticky spots" she wanted to fill anyway) AND the beginning of gingivitis. So I had the periodontal/deep cleaning, which they did without telling me first what they were doing. And that was not covered by my insurance either. Anyway, I got the cavities and such filled, but I"m thinking I'll get a second opinion on my six-month check up to make sure I'm not getting shafted. I'm a little paranoid about my teeth though, so clearly I have strong opinions :) Nevertheless, I floss and use mouthwash more than I ever have in my whole life.

I don't think it ever hurts to get a second opinion. My friend who went to the same dentist had the same experience, so I think I'll try to find some place else to go next time.

*carrie* said...

After my post on a similar topic, you know I found this interesting. =) What is the difference of the periodontal treatment?

I actually had a check-up this past week, and it was my first one in 3 yrs. I did not have any cavities, but as usual he said I have too much wear on my teeth from grinding them at night. Sigh. I need to be better about wearing the bite guard. Not fun, though, is it?!

Sorry you had such a bum experience!