Sunday, May 16, 2010

Waiting for the Week

I'm having one of those weekends where I am just counting down to the week and the sooner I go to bed the sooner it will be done. I don't think I have ever felt this way before and I am sure that come tomorrow I will be back to counting down till the weekend again.

Most of the things I did this weekend were fun and uplifting and something I wanted to do but since so many of them were back to back to back...I have ended up with a headache and a plan to be in bed sleeping by 8:30. Maybe 8:40.

I have 5 days till my summer roommate moves in. She is an intern at work and having a spare bedroom available I offered to house her for the summer. I'm super excited to have her joining me, she is from Iowa after all, however I think preparing for her is adding to my stress. I have shelves to paint for the spare bedroom, pictures to hang on the wall all throughout the house, things to put away in the basement and organizing to do in the kitchen so she has some space. Those were some things on my to do list that I did not get to...

I might have to cut some projects...because I shall not cut sleep. Off to bed I go.

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