Thursday, March 31, 2011

Rule Follower

I'm a rule follower. It might be in part to being a first born or even somewhat because I'm in a profession where I need to enforce rules at times. All day I have been annoyed by something and I think it stems from the rule follower in me. Today we had a pot luck brunch where we were all supposed to sign up for what we wanted to bring. Two people who didn't use the sign up ended up bringing basically the same type of thing which was also the same time of thing that I was already bringing (and had signed up for). I was instantly annoyed when I walked in the room. This is the second time this has happened to me for a work pot luck and last time the guy didn't write anything down on the sign up either. I'm ready to throw the pot luck out the window and just show up with whatever I want to bring, but I doubt I'll ever transition to that (that's like breaking the rules). Oh, and yes, I'm well aware of the fact that I'm being ridiculous.

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