Thursday, June 7, 2012

Is Loving Jesus Enough?

I'm single, I've tried the on-line thing from time to time and this last time there was a fella who showed some interest, was intentional and kind (and patient).  We texted for a bit and then set a time for a phone conversation.  I wasn't completely sure I was interested in him but decided to give it a chance.  The phone conversation went okay but there were several comments he made that didn't sit well with me and didn't entice me to want to continue exploring the relationship.  A few days later, I texted him to let him know I didn't feel a connection but that I thought he was a very nice guy and wished him well (I know texting is a cop out but I wasn't interested in talking to him on the phone again).

He responded with "we have so much in common because we both love Jesus and we've dedicated our lives to him."  But my first thought was that there needs to be more.  There are lots of guys that I know who love Jesus and have dedicated their lives to him and I've never thought that should be the reason they might be "right" for me.  Loving Jesus is definitely at the top of my list of qualities hoped for...but I want more in common than loving Jesus.

1 comment:

Speaky1013 said...

Oh honey!! You are so right on! Yes, loving Jesus and living for Him is our foundation, but I completely agree there needs to be more commonalities and a sense of compatibility. Should we just marry a guy because he's a Christian? I could keep going, but I'll stop here. :) Thank you for sharing your very valuable perspective, Carmen! I love you!