Monday, May 18, 2009

Because Frustration Abounds

This short little post is going to be about my frustration with my weight. If that doesn't interest you know to come back a different day.

I think I'm getting stronger. I think I'm getting better at running and more powerful on the spin bike but it's also possible it's just an allusion. I have been stuck at this weight since for sure the beginning of December and possibly longer...and I have a hard time believing all those good things could be happening while my weight stays exactly the same (give or take a few pounds in each direction).

For most of this journey I was losing 1-2 pounds per week. It was sometimes frustrating if I compared myself to the biggest loser contestants who were losing 5-10 pounds per week. At this point I take back all of that frustration...I just want the 1-2 pounds per week back.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I think you're doing great, Carmen! I'm sure it's a slower process than you'd like, but seriously? The fact that you're still spinning? That's a true sign that you're making progress. Good for you!!! I know many people who would have already given up.