Thursday, April 15, 2010

I'm Back!

Back to blogging after about 3 weeks and more importantly back to losing weight.

I saw a new doctor last week who specializes in PCOS and it was refreshing. He was able to tell me how PCOS affects my body and why I seem to have an extra hard time losing weight. The PCOS contributes to me being insulin resistant and basically my cells have no idea what to do with the carbs I eat so my body just turns them to fat...whether I eat a lot or a little. He told me that I likely will not be able to lose and keep off weight just by diet and exercise (which I already know from personal experience) so he put me on some prescriptions to help my body learn what it needs to be doing (because it's confused).

I have NEVER been one to want to take medications of any kind but since I finally have someone who is able to explain things to me and basically told me that what I'm currently doing will never fully work for me...I decided to give the meds a try. The only side affect so far is that if I do eat too many carbs my body won't like it and will try to get rid of them fast (use your imagination). That will just remind me to keep the carbs low.

The nutritionist who works with this doctor told me I need to eat twice as much protein as carbs (100g vs 50g). So far even on my very best eating day...I have not been able to do this but it's a journey and it's for I will keep trying everyday.

Weight Watchers at work was actually delayed and just started last week. It's sort of tricky to stay within my points when eating low carb-high protein because high protein also tends to mean higher fat. But I need to just focus on healthy eating and not be too concerned about my 'points' as long as I'm losing which I am.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Yay! I'm glad you're back! How was spin? I missed it.