Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Miracle of LIFE

I've been thinking about what a miracle life is. So often I think we take for granted what a miracle conceiving, carrying that baby to term and delivering a healthy baby truly is...let alone for the mother to come through it all healthy. I know I tend to take it for granted, but several times in the last month I have been reminded that all of it is a complete miracle:
  • Several weeks ago friends of mine had a scare with their pregnancy and delivered the baby early. The baby is beautiful but it is a miracle she is alive. Everyday there are little improvements and it's still unclear what her life might look like...but having life is the miracle and she is beautiful (did I say that already). Anyway her story can be found here.
  • On the news a few Friday's ago there was a follow story on Eliot who only lived for 99 days. His parents can tell you what a miracle he was and the way their lives changed having him. The follow up story was talking about their other two healthy children but the impact Eliot has had and continues to have on all their lives.
  • Just last Sunday a dear friend shared that she is pregnant. This may not necessarily seem like such a miracle but she has been trying to get pregnant for over 5 years. We are praising God because her pregnancy is a miracle to us. We're praying that that miracle carries through to a healthy baby.

There are so many other stories to share, even of how my own nephew struggled in his first few days of life.

But the conversation that really got me praying this week was a conversation I was not even part of. I (along with several other people I didn't know) was copied on a forward about an abortion movie. The sender is an acquaintance and I didn't even look at the forward. But a woman who is pro choice responded to that forward, another woman who is pro life responded to her and the pro choice woman responded back. Reading their emails felt like an invasion as they both passionately shared statistics and personal experiences for why they felt the way they did on the subject and I was left with the thought 'all life is a miracle just because the mother chooses to give it.' Conceiving was a miracle but before jumping to carrying the baby to term I need to add in choosing to give life is part of the miracle too. I am VERY pro life and I believe in EVERY instance IT is a miracle. We never know what God might be doing and so I want Him to be the one making the choices about lives.

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